About the project


The last five decades brought a qualitative change in the topic of leveling the basic rights of women and men. However, research shows that many women in science still face the problem of so-called glass ceiling (invisible obstacles standing in the way of women's promotion), some of them is affected by the so-called Matilde's effect (ignoring or omitting the contribution of women to science and crediting the male researchers with the female researchers achievements).

The role of women in the Polish political science has been increasing steadily. According to UNESCO, the share ratio is 48%. The number of women with the postdoctoral degree and associate professor is also growing. Despite the many adversities, thanks to the persistence and determination of Polish female researchers, the face of Polish political sciences is increasingly female.


Researches are conducted within the framework of the Women in Polish Political Science project. From diagnosis to cooperation, they are the initial phase aimed at diagnosing the situation of Polish female political scientists. The research will be exploratory. Their results will be a source of inspiration for activities aimed at increasing active participation and representation of women in political sciences.


The project was inspired by the interests and experiences of female researchers and reading publications concerning  the position of political science in Poland and around the world, including the role of women in science and, in particular, in political sciences.




Baza badaczek

Base of female political scientists


The analysis of existing data

Individual In-Depth Interviews




Project Coordinators

Agata Włodkowska-Bagan - habilitated doctor in social sciences in the field of political sciences, associate professor at the Vistula University in Warsaw. Currently, she works at the Faculty of Business and International Relations. The member of the Polish Political Science Association and the British International Studies Association. She conducts research in the field of international relations in the post-Soviet area, foreign and security policy of the Russian Federation and Poland, as well as the theory of international relations. Classification of State Committee for Scientific Research: political science. ORCID: 0000-0002-7676-0693.

Małgorzata Winiarczyk-Kossakowska - habilitaded in humanities in the field of political sciences, associate professor at the Pedagogical University named after the Commission of National Education in Cracow. She is the sworn translator of the Russian language. Currently she is working at the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science at the PU. She  conducts research in the field of churches and religious associations, religious law, internal security and international security. Classification of State Committee for Scientific Research: political science, legal science.




Joanna Gajda – doctor of social sciences in the field of political science, sociologist. Currently, she works as an adjunct at the Institute of Political Science at the Pedagogical University named after the Commission of National Education in Cracow. She co-creates and runs social and business training projects in the HRDBP standard. She specializes in planning and implementing researches, collecting and analysing qualitative data, and evaluation. Classification of State Committee for Scientific Research: political science.

Adrian Gorgosz
- doctor of social sciences in the field of political science. Scientist, entrepreneur and publisher. Specializes in analysing quantitive data. Classification of State Committee for Scientific Research: political science.


Maja Rynkowska - a Polish teacher and editor by profession, passionate editor and graphic designer. She is a website designer, including the current one - "Women in Polish Politics".